Upgrade Your Writing Skills

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Watch BET's College Hill Tuesday, May 19, 10PM Eastern Time--Tell me what you think.

Visit my website


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Confidence Builder

Writing is one of the most difficult things to do.
What makes it so difficult is that we never
really learn how.. Do you know
it's all about confidence. If you were
more confident, you would be a better
writer. Confidence is knowing
where to place a comma, dash,
semicolon, or colon. Contact
me and let's get your confidence
built up drdebranixon@att.net

Write On!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's Elementary

Commas have not changed;
periods still go at the end of a sentence.
Now, you may need help with dashes,
and colons, but believe me--it's
elementary. You are going to be
so over yourself when you find
out how to use these very
rudiment symbols of our
written language. Sign up, now,
for my workshop

Saturday, January 24, 2009

"How Great I Art"

Students Are Saying...

… thank you. . . "mentors" for obviously passing on some wonderful traits as you have been a great mentor to many of us by example and.... I think.... just by being yourself on top of your keen awareness of others and your willingness to be open and to admit challenges— Young Adult, White Southern Woman

“I am sooo glad that others finally recognize what we have known...that you are just super!!!!  You have touched so many of us and changed our lives for the better.”--Older Adult, Jewish Woman
“Your grace and charm and enthusiasm is so compelling. I am happy and honored to know you and my growth has been inspired by having the experience of learning and sharing with you”-- Older Adult, Jewish Woman

“We have a wonderful professor who does workshops on Diversity that I would be happy to get you in touch with if you ever feel like you might want some expert assistance in helping to teach students about the diverse populations they will serve as future fire fighters and life savers.”--Young White, Gay Man

“I wanted to volunteer myself for any activities or panels on diversity in the future. I’m not sure how many white men from the deep south you have on your panels, but maybe I can provide a glimpse of what it was like growing up in that environment.--Young Adult, White, Heterosexual Male (“Deep South,” US)

“Teaching is a gift that a person is born with.  One can be a gifted artist, a gifted musician, a gifted scientist, or a gifted teacher. You . . . have that gift.”-- Older Jewish Woman

Your lecture captivated my attention and I learned so much from it. Thank you for the ongoing teaching. You are a great professor! Middle-aged Haitian Woman

This class is off the chain. The bomb, in terms of the openness to express one's views without the fear of reprisal. I have been quite reserved in my comments based on past experiences that demonstrated the contrary. . . . No offense Dr. Nixon, I almost believe you and certainty will contribute more to the discussions as my belief is made complete. Middle-aged African American Woman (West Indies Descent)

Your Instructor/Coach

If you're reading this post then you have either
signed up for the workshop or you're considering signing up.
Either way, you do well to learn about me.I am an author and publisher.
I have written and published both for academic and popular audiences.
This blog is simply to share with you some of the comments from former students and to allow you to share
your success with me for future students.
Learn more below

Writing Skills
I am a certified academic writing instructor
and coach with over 600 hours of teaching on the topic
. Writing well is all about the basics. Attendees will learn to:
*Write clear, concise sentences
*Properly punctuate a sentence
*Use precision in word choice
*Construct well structured sentences, paragraphs, and papers
*Use various kinds of punctuation
*Write eloquent literature reviews
*Construct a functional outline

The Heart of My Story:

Now, as simple as all this sounds most people cannot do it.
And the reason that most can't do it is because they never
learned the rudiments in primary school. I know that I didn't.
Some where between her inability to discipline our class and
her inability to teach forth graders, my teacher didn't inspire
me to learn the basics. So, I spent most of academic career
either hoping that my writing was good enough or seeking
a qualified editor to read my papers.

But, not anymore. I took this course,
received training to teach the course,
now I teach others to upgrade their
writing skills. Now, go to paypal.com
and secure your seat in the workshop.
Make payments to
sign up to
UPgrade your writing skills now!